E-cigarette users say product flavors can help quit smoking

Majority (83%) of e-cigarette users say flavors helped them quit smoking, one-third fear ban will push them back to traditional cigarettes, could be close to 1.5 million ex-smokers returning to cigarettes .

The poll of 2,000 adults who vape found 83 per cent of vapers said flavored e-cigarettes helped them change their smoking habits, ahead of ministers considering stopping the sale of fruit and sweets popular with children. Flavored electronic cigarettes. While 27% agree that youth e-cigarette use does need to be addressed, nearly four in 10 (37%) want more effective enforcement of retailers selling e-cigarettes to children, rather than a complete ban on flavors.

John Dunne, director general of the UK Vaping Industry Association, which commissioned the research, said: “Research shows people rely on e-cigarettes to help smokers quit – and flavors can play a role. While we support attempts to eradicate youth smoking, banning Flavorings can have a negative impact on those trying to quit. Often, with these types of policies, trying to eliminate one problem can lead to another, suggesting that many adult vapers worry about what they hear from the government.

“The survey shows that many people are concerned that this change may lead them back to smoking, meaning that almost 1.5 million current e-cigarette users in the UK are likely to return to traditional cigarettes, based on the number of adult e-cigarette users reported by the National Office (4.3 million) “.

The study also revealed that the most popular flavors among adult vapers are the ones the government is considering banning. While strawberry was the nation’s favorite, other fruit flavors dominated the top five — including blueberry, watermelon, cherry and raspberry. Many also mentioned some of the more unusual preferences, such as lychee, Earl Gray and even a Bloody Mary.

The most common quitters turned to tobacco and menthol flavorings, although 65% did not receive any advice on the best flavors to help them quit.

83% felt that getting this guidance would be an important part of their quit smoking journey. In another poll of 1,000 smokers, conducted by OnePoll.com, it found that 36% were currently trying to reduce their cigarette use by increasing their use of e-cigarettes. 75% of them believe it will help them succeed in their quit smoking journey.

Dunn added: “It is important to provide those who are trying to quit with appropriate advice to support them in the quitting process. We know that for many people there is a significant successfully quit smoking, reducing and eventually eliminating their dependence on cigarettes.”

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